American Association of Amateur Arborists

ArborTags are inexpensive labels for tree identification. On one side appear the Latin and common names of the tree, while on the other appear various descriptions to aid identification: the leaf; the flower, fruit or nut; the bark and structure; and other cultural or anecdotal information about the tree or its species. The ArborTags are freely provided for anyone's use.

Please read this Very Important Message about ArborTags.

The good news is that the ArborTags are in Adobe Acrobat PDF format. This ensures that the pages are an exact copy of the source document which is important to preserve the dimensions of the tags.

The bad news is that you might not have the required Adobe Acrobat reader on your computer.

The good news is that the Adobe Acrobat reader is free. Just connect to the Adobe Web site, download the reader, and install it on your machine.

Common NameTagLatin NameAlternate Name
AilanthusAil Ailanthus altissimaWeed Tree
Alder, BlackBA Alnus glutinosaEnglish Alder
Alder, HazelHA Alnus serrulataCommon Alder
Apple Ap Malus sylvestrisWild Apple
Ash, GreenGA Fraxinus pennsylvanicaSwamp Ash
Ash, White WA Fraxinus americana 
BasswoodBsW Tilia americanaAmerican Linden
BeechABFagus grandifoliaAmerican Beech
Birch, GrayGB Betula populifoliaWhite Birch
Birch, PaperPB Betula papyriferaWhite Canoe Birch
Birch, RiverRvB Betula nigraBlack Birch
Birch, SweetSwB Betula lentaCherry Birch
Birch, Yellow YB Betula luteaSilver Birch
Blackhaw BHw Virbinum prunifoliumStagbush, Sweethaw
Blackhaw, RustyrBH Virbinum rufidulumRusty Nannyberry
BoxelderBxE Acer negundoAshleaf Maple
Buckeye, YellowBkE Aesculus octandraSweet Buckeye
CatalpaC Catalpa speciosaNorthern Catalpa, Indian-bean
Cedar, AtlasAC Cedrus atlanticaBlue Cedar
Cherry, BlackBC Prunus serotinaWild Cherry
Cherry, Japanese FC Prunus serrulataFlowering Cherry
Cherry, KwanzanKC Prunus serrulata 'Kwanzan'Double Flowering Cherry
Cherry, Weeping wC Prunus subhirtella 
Chestnut, ChineseChN Castanea mollissimaChinquapin
Chestnut, HorseHCh Aesculus hippocastanumBuckeye
Chinese Scholartree ChS Sophora japonicaJapanese Pagodatree
Cottonwood Ctw Populus deltoidesCarolina Poplar
Corktree, Amur CkTPhellodendron amurense 
Crab Apple CbA Malus coronariaGarland-tree
Crape MyrtleCpM Lagerstroemia indica 
Devil's Walkingstick DvW Aralia spinosaHercules' Club
DogwoodDW Cornus floridaEastern Flowering Dogwood
Dogwood, CornelCDw Cornus officinalisJapanese Cornel Dogwood
Dogwood, KousaKDw Cornus kousaKorean Dogwood
Elm, Slippery SE Ulmus rubraRed Elm, Soft Elm
Evodia, KoreanEVEvodia daniellii 
FrankliniaFrk Franklinia altamaha 
GinkgoG Ginkgo bilobaMaidenhair Tree
Golden RainGR Koelreuteria paniculataVarnish Tree
Hackberry Hkb Celtis occidentalisSugarberry
Hawthorn, WashingtonHaw Crataegus phaenopyrumWashington-thorn
Hemlock, Eastern H Tsuga canadensisCanada Hemlock
Hickory, PignutPgH Carya glabraSmoothbark Hickory
Holly, American AH Ilex opacaWhite Holly
Hop HornbeamHH Ostrya virginianaIronwood
Hornbeam, AmericanAHb Carpinus carolinianaBlue Beech
Linden, LittleleafLLL Tilia cordataEuropean Linden
Kentucky Coffeetree Kty Gymnocladus dioicus 
Locust, Black BL Robinia pseudoacaciaYellow Locust
Locust, HoneyHL Gleditsia triacanthosSweet Locust, Throny-locust
Magnolia, BayBM Magnolia virginianaSweetbay, Swamp Magnolia
Magnolia, SouthernMgf Magnolia grandifloraEvergreen Magnolia
Magnolia, Star Mst Magnolia stellata 
Maple, AmurAM Acer ginnala 
Maple, JapaneseJM Acer palmatumCutleaf Maple
Maple, NorwayNM Acer platanoides 
Maple, RedRM Acer rubrumSwamp Maple, Scarlet Maple
Maple, Silver SvM Acer saccharinumSoft Maple, White Maple
Maple, Striped StM Acer pensylvanicumMoosewood
Maple, Sugar SM Acer saccharumRock Maple, Hard Maple
Maple, Sycamore SyM Acer pseudoplatanusPlanetree Maple
Mimosa Mm Albizia julibrissinSilk Tree
Mulberry, PaperPMb Broussonetia papyrifera 
Mulberry, RedRMb Morus rubraMoral
Mulberry, WhiteWMb Morus albaSilkworm Mulberry
Oak, BlackBO Quercus velutinaYellow Oak
Oak, BlackjackBjO Quercus marilandica 
Oak, BurBrO Quercus macrocarpaMossycup Oak
Oak, Chestnut CO Quercus prinusRock Oak
Oak, Chinkapin ChO Quercus muehlenbergiiYellow Chestnut Oak
Oak, PinPO Quercus palustrisNorthern Pin Oak
Oak, RedRO Quercus rubraNorthern Red Oak
Oak, SawtoothStO Quercus acutissimaJapanese Chestnut Oak
Oak, Scarlet ScO Quercus coccineaRed Oak
Oak, Shingle ScO Quercus imbricariaLaurel Oak
Oak, White WO Quercus albaStave Oak
Oak, Willow WlO Quercus phellosPeach Oak
Osage Orange OO Maclura pomiferaHedge Apple
Paulownia PlW Paulownia tomentosaChinese Empress, Princess-tree
Pear, BradfordBdP Pyrus calleryanaFlowering Pear
Pear, CommonPr Pyrus communis 
Persimmon Psm Diospyros virginianaPossumwood
Pine, AustrianAP Pinus nigraBlack Pine
Pine, White WP Pinus strobus 
Planetree, LondonLP Platanus x acerifoliaSycamore
Plum, CherryPlm Prunus cerasiferaFlowering Plum
RedbudRB Cercis canadensisEastern Redbud, Judas-tree
Redwood, DawnDrW Metasequoia glyptostroboides 
Sassafras Sfs Sassafras albidum 
Serviceberry ShB Amelanchier arboreaShadbush, Juneberry
Snowbell SnB Styrax japonicaJapanese Snowbell
Sourwood SW Oxydendron arboreumSorrel Tree
Spruce, Blue BS Picea pungensColorado Spruce
Spruce, NorwayNS Picea abies 
Sweetgum SG Liquidambar styracifluaRedgum, Sapgum
Sycamore Syc Platanus occidentalisButtonwood, American Planetree
Tulip TreeTP Liriodendron tulipiferaTulip-poplar, Yellow-poplar
Tupelo BG Nyssa sylvaticaBlack Gum, Pepperidge
Walnut, Black W Juglans nigraAmerican Walnut
Willow, BlackBW Salix nigraSwamp Willow
Willow, Corkscrew CkW Salix matsudana tortuosaDragon's Claw Willow
Willow, PussyPsW Salix discolorGoat Willow
Willow, Weeping WW Salix babylonicaBabylon Willow
Witch-hazel WcH Hamamelis virginiana 
Yellowwood Y Cladrastis kentuckeaVirgilia
Zelkova Z Zelkova serrataKeaki 

Making an ArborTag.

Print the tag on your printer. 600 dots-per-inch printers work quite well. You will find four separate tags on the sheet. Cut out each of the four keeping the black borders intact. When each of these four is folded in half, you should have four tags measuring 3-3/16 by 2-1/8 inches approximately: roughly "business card" sized.

If you have no laminator yourself, photo shops, dime stores, and copy or office supply stores usually have a service/machine available for public use. Have the tags laminated in the heaviest plastic available, leaving the most room at the top of the tag. Punch two small holes at the top of the tag, each about 1/8 inch in from the edges, to attach a line to hang the tag.

Never staple or nail the tag itself to the tree: no one could see the other side. Instead use a heavy grade monofiliment fishing line to hang the tag from a lower branch. String degrades faster, and wire rusts. Be sure to hang it loosely or you will strangle the branch. If there is no low branch you could staple the fishing line to the trunk. Short staples attach well to the outer bark without damaging the inner bark.

For best results take a crew of amateur arborists along with you on your tagging expeditions. If you would like to contribute an ArborTag to these pages, send us mail.

A word about the copyright. The ArborTags are copyrighted to protect against someone else copyrighting them and thereby restricting their free distribution. You are entitled to make any number of copies of the ArborTags for the purposes of tagging trees.

Arboretum Director /