ArborTags are inexpensive labels for tree identification. On one side appear the Latin and common names of the tree, while on the other appear various descriptions to aid identification: the leaf; the flower, fruit or nut; the bark and structure; and other cultural or anecdotal information about the tree or its species. The ArborTags are freely provided for anyone's use.
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Common Name | Tag | Latin Name | Alternate Name | |
Ailanthus | Ail | Ailanthus altissima | Weed Tree | |
Alder, Black | BA | Alnus glutinosa | English Alder | |
Alder, Hazel | HA | Alnus serrulata | Common Alder | |
Apple | Ap | Malus sylvestris | Wild Apple | |
Ash, Green | GA | Fraxinus pennsylvanica | Swamp Ash | |
Ash, White | WA | Fraxinus americana | ||
Basswood | BsW | Tilia americana | American Linden | |
Beech | AB | Fagus grandifolia | American Beech | |
Birch, Gray | GB | Betula populifolia | White Birch | |
Birch, Paper | PB | Betula papyrifera | White Canoe Birch | |
Birch, River | RvB | Betula nigra | Black Birch | |
Birch, Sweet | SwB | Betula lenta | Cherry Birch | |
Birch, Yellow | YB | Betula lutea | Silver Birch | |
Blackhaw | BHw | Virbinum prunifolium | Stagbush, Sweethaw | |
Blackhaw, Rusty | rBH | Virbinum rufidulum | Rusty Nannyberry | |
Boxelder | BxE | Acer negundo | Ashleaf Maple | |
Buckeye, Yellow | BkE | Aesculus octandra | Sweet Buckeye | |
Catalpa | C | Catalpa speciosa | Northern Catalpa, Indian-bean | |
Cedar, Atlas | AC | Cedrus atlantica | Blue Cedar | |
Cherry, Black | BC | Prunus serotina | Wild Cherry | |
Cherry, Japanese | FC | Prunus serrulata | Flowering Cherry | |
Cherry, Kwanzan | KC | Prunus serrulata 'Kwanzan' | Double Flowering Cherry | |
Cherry, Weeping | wC | Prunus subhirtella | ||
Chestnut, Chinese | ChN | Castanea mollissima | Chinquapin | |
Chestnut, Horse | HCh | Aesculus hippocastanum | Buckeye | |
Chinese Scholartree | ChS | Sophora japonica | Japanese Pagodatree | |
Cottonwood | Ctw | Populus deltoides | Carolina Poplar | |
Corktree, Amur | CkT | Phellodendron amurense | ||
Crab Apple | CbA | Malus coronaria | Garland-tree | |
Crape Myrtle | CpM | Lagerstroemia indica | ||
Devil's Walkingstick | DvW | Aralia spinosa | Hercules' Club | |
Dogwood | DW | Cornus florida | Eastern Flowering Dogwood | |
Dogwood, Cornel | CDw | Cornus officinalis | Japanese Cornel Dogwood | |
Dogwood, Kousa | KDw | Cornus kousa | Korean Dogwood | |
Elm, Slippery | SE | Ulmus rubra | Red Elm, Soft Elm | |
Evodia, Korean | EV | Evodia daniellii | ||
Franklinia | Frk | Franklinia altamaha | ||
Ginkgo | G | Ginkgo biloba | Maidenhair Tree | |
Golden Rain | GR | Koelreuteria paniculata | Varnish Tree | |
Hackberry | Hkb | Celtis occidentalis | Sugarberry | |
Hawthorn, Washington | Haw | Crataegus phaenopyrum | Washington-thorn | |
Hemlock, Eastern | H | Tsuga canadensis | Canada Hemlock | |
Hickory, Pignut | PgH | Carya glabra | Smoothbark Hickory | |
Holly, American | AH | Ilex opaca | White Holly | |
Hop Hornbeam | HH | Ostrya virginiana | Ironwood | |
Hornbeam, American | AHb | Carpinus caroliniana | Blue Beech | |
Linden, Littleleaf | LLL | Tilia cordata | European Linden | |
Kentucky Coffeetree | Kty | Gymnocladus dioicus | ||
Locust, Black | BL | Robinia pseudoacacia | Yellow Locust | |
Locust, Honey | HL | Gleditsia triacanthos | Sweet Locust, Throny-locust | |
Magnolia, Bay | BM | Magnolia virginiana | Sweetbay, Swamp Magnolia | |
Magnolia, Southern | Mgf | Magnolia grandiflora | Evergreen Magnolia | |
Magnolia, Star | Mst | Magnolia stellata | ||
Maple, Amur | AM | Acer ginnala | ||
Maple, Japanese | JM | Acer palmatum | Cutleaf Maple | |
Maple, Norway | NM | Acer platanoides | ||
Maple, Red | RM | Acer rubrum | Swamp Maple, Scarlet Maple | |
Maple, Silver | SvM | Acer saccharinum | Soft Maple, White Maple | |
Maple, Striped | StM | Acer pensylvanicum | Moosewood | |
Maple, Sugar | SM | Acer saccharum | Rock Maple, Hard Maple | |
Maple, Sycamore | SyM | Acer pseudoplatanus | Planetree Maple | |
Mimosa | Mm | Albizia julibrissin | Silk Tree | |
Mulberry, Paper | PMb | Broussonetia papyrifera | ||
Mulberry, Red | RMb | Morus rubra | Moral | |
Mulberry, White | WMb | Morus alba | Silkworm Mulberry | |
Oak, Black | BO | Quercus velutina | Yellow Oak | |
Oak, Blackjack | BjO | Quercus marilandica | ||
Oak, Bur | BrO | Quercus macrocarpa | Mossycup Oak | |
Oak, Chestnut | CO | Quercus prinus | Rock Oak | |
Oak, Chinkapin | ChO | Quercus muehlenbergii | Yellow Chestnut Oak | |
Oak, Pin | PO | Quercus palustris | Northern Pin Oak | |
Oak, Red | RO | Quercus rubra | Northern Red Oak | |
Oak, Sawtooth | StO | Quercus acutissima | Japanese Chestnut Oak | |
Oak, Scarlet | ScO | Quercus coccinea | Red Oak | |
Oak, Shingle | ScO | Quercus imbricaria | Laurel Oak | |
Oak, White | WO | Quercus alba | Stave Oak | |
Oak, Willow | WlO | Quercus phellos | Peach Oak | |
Osage Orange | OO | Maclura pomifera | Hedge Apple | |
Paulownia | PlW | Paulownia tomentosa | Chinese Empress, Princess-tree | |
Pear, Bradford | BdP | Pyrus calleryana | Flowering Pear | |
Pear, Common | Pr | Pyrus communis | ||
Persimmon | Psm | Diospyros virginiana | Possumwood | |
Pine, Austrian | AP | Pinus nigra | Black Pine | |
Pine, White | WP | Pinus strobus | ||
Planetree, London | LP | Platanus x acerifolia | Sycamore | |
Plum, Cherry | Plm | Prunus cerasifera | Flowering Plum | |
Redbud | RB | Cercis canadensis | Eastern Redbud, Judas-tree | |
Redwood, Dawn | DrW | Metasequoia glyptostroboides | ||
Sassafras | Sfs | Sassafras albidum | ||
Serviceberry | ShB | Amelanchier arborea | Shadbush, Juneberry | |
Snowbell | SnB | Styrax japonica | Japanese Snowbell | |
Sourwood | SW | Oxydendron arboreum | Sorrel Tree | |
Spruce, Blue | BS | Picea pungens | Colorado Spruce | |
Spruce, Norway | NS | Picea abies | ||
Sweetgum | SG | Liquidambar styraciflua | Redgum, Sapgum | |
Sycamore | Syc | Platanus occidentalis | Buttonwood, American Planetree | |
Tulip Tree | TP | Liriodendron tulipifera | Tulip-poplar, Yellow-poplar | |
Tupelo | BG | Nyssa sylvatica | Black Gum, Pepperidge | |
Walnut, Black | W | Juglans nigra | American Walnut | |
Willow, Black | BW | Salix nigra | Swamp Willow | |
Willow, Corkscrew | CkW | Salix matsudana tortuosa | Dragon's Claw Willow | |
Willow, Pussy | PsW | Salix discolor | Goat Willow | |
Willow, Weeping | WW | Salix babylonica | Babylon Willow | |
Witch-hazel | WcH | Hamamelis virginiana | ||
Yellowwood | Y | Cladrastis kentuckea | Virgilia | |
Zelkova | Z | Zelkova serrata | Keaki |
Print the tag on your printer. 600 dots-per-inch printers work quite well. You will find four separate tags on the sheet. Cut out each of the four keeping the black borders intact. When each of these four is folded in half, you should have four tags measuring 3-3/16 by 2-1/8 inches approximately: roughly "business card" sized.
If you have no laminator yourself, photo shops, dime stores, and copy or office supply stores usually have a service/machine available for public use. Have the tags laminated in the heaviest plastic available, leaving the most room at the top of the tag. Punch two small holes at the top of the tag, each about 1/8 inch in from the edges, to attach a line to hang the tag.
Never staple or nail the tag itself to the tree: no one could see the other side. Instead use a heavy grade monofiliment fishing line to hang the tag from a lower branch. String degrades faster, and wire rusts. Be sure to hang it loosely or you will strangle the branch. If there is no low branch you could staple the fishing line to the trunk. Short staples attach well to the outer bark without damaging the inner bark.
For best results take a crew of amateur arborists along with you on your tagging expeditions. If you would like to contribute an ArborTag to these pages, send us mail.
A word about the copyright. The ArborTags are copyrighted to protect against someone else copyrighting them and thereby restricting their free distribution. You are entitled to make any number of copies of the ArborTags for the purposes of tagging trees.